Nursery 2023 - 2024

Welcome to the Nursery!

Hello from all of us here in Nursery. We have a new team this year and are very excited to meet lots of new smiles and faces.         



  Meet our Keyworkers 


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These are the key workers in the Preschool room, Miss Stanley the Nursery Manager and Hooty Owl keyworker, Miss Larcombe Smiley Squirrel key worker and Miss Stokoe also Hooty Owl keyworker. Preschool are also supported by Mrs Cornes our Wellbeing assistant. 



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The keyworkers in the Baby Bunnies room are Miss Vernon, Mrs Dunn and Mrs Lightfoot. Who are supported by Miss Arrowsmith our SEN support worker.


In Nursery, we follow our planned curriculum alongside following the interests of the children.  We work hard to provide rich and engaging opportunities to allow the children to learn and explore through play. We have lots of different areas of learning both in our indoor and outdoor classroom.


Starting the nursery day

  • Morning Session begins at 8.45am and ends at 11.45am.
  • Lunch begins at 11.45am and ends at 12.30pm. This is only available for our all day children.
  • Afternoon session begins at 12.30pm and ends at 3.30pm


When you drop your child at nursery, they will independently make their way into the classroom, put their coat and bag on their peg and choose an activity. This will help the children build their confidence and independence.


Snack Time

For snack each child will be offered a healthy snack, a peice of fruit and a choice of milk or water. We offer this for a small cost of £1.50 per week.

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School Uniform

Your child is advised to wear the correct Beechwood uniform each day to prepare them for reception. 

This includes a white polo t-shirt, a red jumper, black/ grey trousers or a black/grey skirt with black/grey tights and black school shoes.

Please label all of your childs clothes. 

Within nursery, the children have acess to water play and lots of creative activies so we encourage you to send your child in with clean, spare clothes. 


Forest School & PE


All Preschool children will have a Forest school session and PE session once a week - We kindly ask that your child is dressed appropriately for these sessions and that we have a pair of wellies for your child at nursery for these days.

Hooty Owls have a morning session of Forest school every Wednesday 9:00am, followed by a PE session every Thursday at 9:00am.

Smiley Squirrels have a morning session of PE every Wednesday 9:00am and a Forest school session every Thursday at 9:00am.

All of our afternoon only children will attend a Forest school session on Wednesdays 2:30 - 3:30pm.



As a school, we use an app called 'Class Dojo' to reward children's behaviour in school, to keep parents up to date with class news, and to contact parents through a private message service. As a parent, you will receive a login from your child's class teacher and will receive notifications for rewards and news posts.




As a school, we take safeguarding very seriously. This includes online safety and we are very aware that many children enjoy playing on tablets, phones and even Alexa! 

Please help us to ensure your children are safe when online by clicking on the image below and keeping up to date with tips and ideas on internet safety:


**If you would like to add your child's name to our waiting list, please ring us on (01270) 214490 or call in at the front office - we are always happy to help!



Contact the School

Beechwood Primary School

Mrs. S. Harper - Headteacher
Meredith Street

Main Contact: Miss Taylor

Tel: 01270 214490
Fax: 01270 251529
[email protected]

SEN Contact: Miss Geary

SEN Email: [email protected]