Pupil Premium Funding

The Pupil Premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers. This funding is aimed at addressing the current underlying inequalities that exist between children from disadvantaged backgrounds and their more affluent peers.

This funding is allocated to schools on the basis of the number of pupils who have been eligible for Free School Meals at any point over the last six years; children who have been “looked after” for more than six months, children who have left local authority care or children of service personnel.

The DFE has given us the freedom to use the Pupil Premium as we see fit, based on the knowledge of our pupils’ needs.

Monitoring the Impact of Pupil Premium Support

Mrs. Harper (Headteacher) and Miss Geary (SENCo) have overall responsibility for the attainment and progress of Pupil Premium children, although ensuring the progress of eligible pupils and evidencing this is a whole school priority.

Children’s progress and attainment is tracked and monitored carefully to ensure they achieve their full potential. Regular monitoring and evaluation is key to ensuring effectiveness of expenditure.

Targets for pupils are set in maths, reading and writing and we know where we expect each child to be, by the end of the year.

Monitoring is a joint responsibility of the class teacher and Senior Leaders and regular assessment data is analysed and acted upon. The DFE also analyse our school data and compare our results to national data.

Through our termly Governing Body meeting we report clearly on data for Pupil Premium and a transparent expenditure line is maintained in our financial monitoring so governors can link value for money with impact.


Contact the School

Beechwood Primary School

Mrs. S. Harper - Headteacher
Meredith Street

Main Contact: Miss Taylor

Tel: 01270 214490
Fax: 01270 251529
[email protected]

SEN Contact: Miss Geary

SEN Email: [email protected]